Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hamas: Abbas is a Liar

Hamas denies Abbas charges it is letting Al-Qaida enter Gaza

"Hamas officials Tuesday hotly denied allegations by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas that the militant Islamic group letting Al-Qaida infiltrate the Gaza Strip, under full Hamas control since its defeat of Fatah last month......

But Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri Tuesday accused Abbas of trying to whip up sentiment against Hamas, which vanquished Abbas' forces in Gaza and unseated his political party in 2006 parliamentary elections.

"Hamas has no link to Al-Qaida," Abu Zuhri said. "Abbas is trying to mislead international opinion to win support for his demand to deploy international forces in Gaza."

Abbas, who is to meet with Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi in the West Bank town of Ramallah on Tuesday, offered no evidence to back up his allegations......."

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