Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Traitors Parrot the Master

PA asserting financial and political pressure on Hamas, Fatah spokesman tells Radio Sawa

"Gaza - Ma'an - A Fatah spokesman in the West Bank has said that the Palestinian Authority's only option is to exert financial and political pressure on the Hamas movement in order to end "their military revolution" in the Gaza Strip.

Jamal Nazzal told the American-backed, Arabic-language Radio Sawa, "Hamas has nothing to do and no future to offer the Palestinian public."

"Although there is no military position towards Hamas, there is financial and political pressure from the Palestinian Authority," Nazzal said.

Despite this, he assured that Salam Fayyad's government would pay the Gaza governmental employees their overdue salaries.

He also asserted, "The international community is providing the Palestinian Authority with all the assistance for a future project to establish a livable Palestinian state, in spite of Hamas' latest actions in the Gaza Strip." "


These traitors are likely to have the same fate in the West Bank as they had in Gaza, Israeli protection not withstanding.

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