Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hamas, Islamic Jihad vow to intensify resistance against occupation

"GAZA, (PIC)-- In clear rejection to the decision taken by the “unconstitutional” PA government under Salam Fayyadh in Ramallah city to drop the resistance option, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad Movement vowed to intensify resistance against the “Zionist” enemy. “This (Fayyadh’s decision) is clear and unaccepted disavowal of an essential Palestinian national constant sanctioned by all Palestinian parties and international laws and conventions”, the two influential resistance Movements affirmed in a joint statement they issued Sunday, and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC.

They also affirmed that the decision of dropping resistance from Fayyadh’s government’s platform exposes the real purpose behind installing it against the will of the bulk of the Palestinian people. “This unconstitutional government is shamelessly undermining the precious Palestinian martyr’s blood and agonies of tens of thousands of wounded and jailed Palestinian citizens just to please Israel and the USA and to get a handful of dollars from them”, the two Movements underlined in the statement.

They also added that the culture of resistance was embodied in every honorable Palestinian citizen striving hard to free his country from the occupation’s chains. “The Palestinian people were of full conviction that only resistance can retrieve Palestinian usurped rights and secure the return of the millions of Palestinian refugees to their homeland with dignity” the statement underlined.

In this context, the two Movements urged Palestinian people all over occupied Palestine to translate their rejection to the Fayyadh’s “treacherous” decision through intensifying resistance against the Israeli occupation.

The two Movements also rejected attempts to allow thousands of Palestinian citizens stranded in Egypt into the Gaza Strip through crossing points other than the Rafah terminal. “Abbas and his unconstitutional government under Fayyadh were thinking that by prolonging tragedy of those stranded Palestinian citizens, they will pressure and politically blackmail Hamas Movement”, the two Movements explained.

But although the two Movements affirmed they were and still are keen on ending ordeal of those citizens, they absolutely rejected entry of the stranded Palestinians through IOF-controlled crossing points. “Such harmful suggestions of using alternative terminals other than Rafah border terminal would turn the Gaza Strip into a big jail for more than 1.5 million Palestinians”, the two Movements furthermore underscored. “Rafah terminal is a Palestinian-Egyptian crossing point, and must remain so” the two Movement insisted....."

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