Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sayed Nasrallah: We won't wait for anyone to defend us

Al-Manar - Mohamad Shmaysani

"29/07/2007 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah stressed Saturday that the victory achieved in the year 2006 was a strategic victory that disgraced all "Big Israel" propagandists. In a speech broadcast on a huge screen in the southern town of Bint Jbeil, Sayyed Nasrallah also said that last summer's war with Israel had foiled US plans for a new Middle East. Sayyed Nasrallah was marking the 1st anniversary of the Bint Jbeil martyrs of the "Sincere Promise." In his speech, the Hezbollah chief praised resistance fighters "who proved once again that (Israel) is weaker than a cobweb. "This war aimed to impose a new Middle East, broken up into confessional and ethnic mini-states, serving the interests of the United States and Israel. The US project was swept aside by the victory of the Islamic Resistance."
"Olmert's objectives and the achievements of his government in the war have diminished as far as banning me from roaming in Beirut. I want to assure Olmert that in fact, I am roaming in Beirut.
This very position by Olmert constitutes a condemnation to Israel and a mark of disgrace for this entity that has wanted to create "Big Israel" and then "Greater Israel."
Hezbollah's chief stressed there will be no "new Middle East" after the victory of August the 14th. "This is a project that has gone with the wind. Didn't you notice how Condoleezza Rice held her tongue and forever?" he addressed the cheering crowd.
Sayyed Nasrallah criticized the international community for accusing Hezbollah of violating UN resolution 1701, by saying that the Islamic resistance possesses missiles that can target any spot in occupied Palestine. He accused the UN of following a policy of double standards particularly when it keeps a blind eye on Israel, which has been beating the drums of war through military drills and war games in northern occupied Palestine.
"We will not wait for anyone to defend us. We will defend ourselves and our country. We possessed and we still possess missiles that can target any spot in occupied Palestine if Israel attacked Lebanon. In case of any new confrontation, we will be much convinced and more certain of victory. The military structure of the resistance is much stronger. Since August 13 2006, generations of youths have joined the Islamic Resistance and they are young people who know no weariness, weakness or defeat and feel that their battle has just begun. If the Israeli army had fought a group of fighters in 2006, today they can be sure that their numbers have multiplied a hundredfold," Sayyed Nasrallah stressed.

He renewed his call for a national unity government and dismissed allegations that his group is seeking to govern Lebanon or impose tyrannical rule over the country. His eminence also refuted claims that Hezbollah and the Amal movement are seeking to turn against the Taif Accord, saying that the aim of that and other political wrangling to kill time so as not to form a national unity government.
"My message to all the Lebanese, Muslim Shiites, Sunni Muslims, Christians and Druz: We have been clear that we want Lebanon to be a country for all the Lebanese from all religions and sects. We do not want to change the political formula. We are not looking for ruling or controlling Lebanon. Therefore, there is no need for anyone to talk about an Islamic state or about Islamicizing Lebanon. There is no need to talks about a Shiite endeavor to control the remaining Muslim sects. These are fantasies and illusions aimed at causing sedition among the Lebanese," Sayyed Nasrallah said. "

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