Monday, August 6, 2007

Bill Kristol and the Stink of Fear

Pro-war skunk emits clouds of obfuscation

By Justin Raimondo

"How, in the name of all that's holy, could a rational human being look at what's going on in Iraq and hold out any hope of "success" for America's colonial project? The American and Iraqi casualty rates are soaring, the government of Iraq is collapsing, the Turks are getting ready to invade Kurdistan in reaction to the regional government's nurturing of Kurdish terrorists on its territory, and the government we are committed to protecting with American troops and treasure is, for all intents and purposes, an extension of the Iranian mullahocracy. The American military occupation coexists with and enables widespread ethno-religious "cleansing" and the imposition of Sharia law in much of the country.

If this is success, then what would failure look like?.....

What rises up out of Kristol's piece is the stink of fear – fear that the neocons are being abandoned by their erstwhile hosts, fear that anger over the war will boil over into their political and personal ruination, fear that their game has finally been exposed, and fear that Americans are bound and determined to take their country back. Their fears are our hopes."

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