Monday, August 6, 2007

Latest From Dr. Mona El-Farra, Back in Gaza

thank you for your kind support

"my friends everywhere many of you i have not met in person , your comforting encouraging emails and comments in my blog , helped me great deal while grieving my late dear mother . the most difficult part of this grieve was that i couldn’t see her while she was calling for me .it was only little piece of paper called permit, a permit to allow me to enter my country, and in such extraordinary humanitarian situation .i told you before it is occupation, it is racist occupation it is injustice as well, it is my cause and your cause to unify our efforts and fight with all our mighty against injustice to fight .all other sorts of injustices small or large. We are not weak, together we are not weak, we are stronger than their weapons and mad wars, exploitation wealth and occupation, justice is on our side and it is a lot.
When i was in my 1st speaking tour in the USA i met wonderful people, many of them work hard to achieve peace. peace that is based on justice , i felt strong i was empowered and inspired , being at home now i have a message of solidarity to transfer to my people , to tell them that the world is not silent , and our solidarity , unity and networking is great power .it is not only the message that i have, i have also a practical support too that will help to make the change in the lives of many poor families in Gaza, occupation and political instability made them poor and poorer ,
the Palestinian cause is not a case for charity , we are a people with inalienable rights , no peace without justice and justice means RIGHT OF RETURN"

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