Saturday, August 11, 2007

Israeli Web site causes N.Y. to up counterterrorism precautions

An Important Story

This story, besides exposing DEBKAfile for being the creators and peddlers of propaganda and lies designed to instill a permanent state of fear in the U.S. and sympathy for and alliance with Israel, gives us a hint of the likely scenario of an anticipated, another 9-11 type of attack.

No less an authority than Dick Cheney has repeatedly spoken of his certainty that another 9-11 type of attack against a major U.S. city is coming. He further believes that it will involve the use of "a weapon of mass destruction."

Is this story propagated by DEBKAfile just preparing the U.S. public for what is planned by Cheney and his Neocons? The attack would certainly be what Cheney needs. The evildoers would be traced to, yes you guessed it Iran, which would justify the coming massive attack (possibly using tactical nuclear weapons) on Iran. The event would be used to justify the imposition of what would amount to marshal law in the U.S. It would cause the suppression and criminalization of any dissent. The recently enacted laws to expand wiretapping and surveillance would be expanded further. It would most likely cause the suspension of the next U.S. presidential elections. In short, it would be a gift from heaven to permanently install the Decider as a dictator, a dream he openly relishes.

This "new attack" would probably follow the script outlined by DEBKAfile. Namely that the Mossad, working together with some of Osama's boys, would explode one or more truck bombs with some radioactive material in a major U.S. city. The material would be "traced to Iran" no doubt, and all hell would break loose from that point on. Panic would spread, support for the Decider would soar, revenge against Iran would be demanded and anyone who dares to tell the truth would be called an enemy combatant and sent to Guantanamo.

Folks, this story is simply preparing and softening the public for the real thing coming down the road.

Tony Sayegh

"New York authorities were taking extra counterterrorism precautions Friday in response to what they said was an unsubstantiated report on an Israeli Web site regarding a radiological threat to the city......

Police confirmed the increased security was in response to receiving information that a dirty bomb may go off around 34th street in Manhattan on Friday evenin.....

Deputy Police Commissioner Paul J. Browne called the measures strictly precautionary. He said an Israeli Web site reported that online posts were made following a video released Sunday featuring an American member of Al-Qaida threatening foreign diplomats and embassies across the Islamic world.

Browne appeared to be referring to a report published on DEBKAfile, which stated that Al-Qaida communications had accused the U.S. of the "grave error of failing to take seriously the videotape released by the American Al-Qaida spokesman Adam Gaddahn last week."

According to the report, the communications said "the attacks would be carried out 'by means of trucks loaded with radio-active material against America's biggest city and financial nerve center.'"

DEBKAfile added that another message "mentioned New York, Los Angeles and Miami as targets."....."

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