Saturday, August 11, 2007

Gunmen attempt to kill Fatah officer in West Bank

"Anonymous persons attempted to assassinate Palestinian police commander Idris al Ja'bari in his West Bank home near Hebron on Saturday. Seventeen shots were fired at al Ja'bari, who suffered critical injures and according to Palestinian reports was taken to an Israeli hospital for treatment.

Palestinian Authority sources believed Hamas operatives to be responsible for the shooting, as an act of retaliation for the arrest of their comrades by the Fatah government. As of yet these are only speculations, and no one has been arrested in the matter.

A few days prior to the shooting, the PA had carried out another wave of arrests of Hamas militants in most parts of the West Bank, including Hebron, which is considered a Hamas stronghold. Arrests were also carried out in al Ja'bari's village of Khalkhoul near Hebron. Hamas members later wished to protest the arrests in the Hebron area, but were prevented from doing so by the Palestinian police.

Around 3am Saturday morning, Khalkhoul police chief Idris al Ja'bari made his way to his home after a wave of arrests, and was met at his doorstep by anonymous men who opened massive fire at the officer, injuring him critically.

Saturday's attack has aroused concern that if another wave of killings breaks out, it may be very difficult to end.

Hamas sources have warned Fatah over the past few days that their patience was wearing thin and that continued harm of its men could lead to a harsh reaction. "

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