Saturday, August 11, 2007

Repression Under the Palestinian Pinochet

Security services in Hebron disperse a protest rally

"Hebron - Ma'an - Security services have detained ten citizens after they organized a demonstration in the Haras Street in downtown Hebron.

Hebron police commander, Samih Al Sefi, told our correspondent that those arrested "had organized a march, against the law. They were informed of having infringed the law, but they persisted in organizing the march, which prompted us to detain ten of them."

He added that the protestors had been informed that they needed a license for the demonstration to be legal.

Hebron police say that the protestors will be released after signing a pledge not to do organise marches without permission. "


What is notable is how the Maan news agency, with close ties to the Ramallah Mafia, sanitizes the story. For example it omits the most important fact of the story, namely that the march was a protest rally against the continuing campaign of arrests and torture of Hamas supporters in the West Bank by the Vichy government's "security" thugs. These thugs, more politely called PA security, are working like a hand in a glove with the Israeli undercover death squads.

Increasingly, I find that I can get more accurate information about what goes on in the West Bank from the Israeli press.

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