Friday, October 5, 2007

Fatima's Comment on Sayyed Nasrallah's Speech on the Occasion of Al-Quds Day, as Posted on Al-Manar Site

"fatima | Algeria

Mashallah we are so brilliant as usual. the Speech is not finished and i m still enjoying every word . the family can heat up their dinner im not gettting up for anyone . Im sure the sheikh wont approve of that but i just wont get up to miss any word of the Sheikh. wow , what courage and bravery , what dignity and karama and national feelings i feel so good listening to the sheikh may allah protect him from his enemis (zionists and Arabs ) i was feeling very low and depressed listening to palestinian refugiees packing their bags to go to brazil ,the old lady said why cant the Arabs take us , why cant the arabs receive us (the so called generous arabs who are known for their karama through history so has believed my Egyptian arabic teacher ) but the speech of the sheikh made me feel so much better , i forgot about the cowards in the Arab world those who love America and the zionists and worship the Dollar ."

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