Friday, October 5, 2007

Something Needs Explaining in Iraq

By Tony Sayegh

Looking at U.S. fatalities in Iraq over the past 6 months, makes me suspect that something has changed. No it is not the "Surge."

Here are the reported U.S. fatalities since May:

May 126
June 101
July 78
August 84
September 66
October 2
(So far)

There is a distinct de-escalation of the resistance attacks on U.S. forces; the question is why?

This could support the rumors that the U.S. is talking to some leaders of the resistance. It could also feed speculation that the U.S. is trying to reposition itself vis-à-vis the Shiite militias in preparation for a possible attack on Iran. After helping the Shiite death squads ethnically cleanse Baghdad, is the U.S. shifting slightly in the direction of the "Sunni" resistance?

Don't get me wrong; it is not that the U.S. has suddenly discovered the errors of its ways for the past 4 years and is now trying to make amends. Some writers have gone as far as suggesting that the new U.S. policy is the same as under Saddam: Have the Sunnis control the Shiites and try to limit Iran's influence.

I think that the U.S. strategy is the same strategy which Henry Kissinger advised during the Iraq-Iran war: Have both sides destroy and kill each other; and when one side falters, the U.S. props it up to keep it in the bloody fight as long as possible. I think that the U.S. is following the same strategy within Iraq: Have the Shiites, the Sunnis and the Kurds destroy each other and divide the country. Now that the Shiite militias and death squads which the U.S. formed, armed and financed are on the verge of total control (according to reporters such as Nir Rosen), the U.S. appears to be moving to prop up the "Sunni" side, to keep the sectarian killing going.

I am not saying that these are the answers; just thoughts. But we can't deny the fact that U.S. casualties have been on a downward path.

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