Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Abbas's security violently disperses anti-Annapolis rally

"RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- PA security apparatuses in the West Bank, under the command of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas, on Tuesday brutally dispersed a peaceful anti-Annapolis conference rally called for by the PFLP in Ramallah city.

Witnesses reported that the security elements fired teargas and beat up dozens of citizens who gathered in downtown Ramallah hoisting Palestinian flags and placards championing insistence on Palestinian constants and rights.

They added that Abbas's security forces violently attacked the citizens using batons and rifle butts in addition to spraying the demonstrators with teargas and firing in the air.

Local sources said that a number of civilians were arrested on the spot and severely beaten up and humiliated in front of hundreds of citizens who expressed utter dismay at the sight.

The security apparatuses threatened cameramen and correspondents via loudspeakers that their cameras would be smashed if they took photos of the event.

The unconstitutional government of Salam Fayyad had issued a decision banning any protest marches or demonstrations against the Annapolis conference on the part of Palestinian factions at the pretext of "protecting national unity"."

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