Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hamas leaders denounce attacks on Anti Annapolis protests

"Sheikh Husien Abu Kweik and Faraj Rumanah, senior leaders of the Hamas movement, on Tuesday denounced the attempts by the Palestinian authority to prevent the non-violent demonstrations and the attacks carried out by the PA security forces on protests in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Abu Rumanah, who was attacked and detained by Palestinian security forces at the rally in Ramallah, branded the attacks as a violation of human rights, adding that the demonstration included many from different political factions and organisations and had been non-violent until PA forces attacked. Abu Rumanah warned that such policies would harm the efforts being made to Bridge the gap between the rival Fatah and Hamas movements.

Sheikh Abu Kweik called for the Palestinian security departments to reassess their West Bank policy.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians on Tuesday took to the streets in protest against the Annapolis peace conference across the West Bank.

In Bethlehem, security forces attacked a peaceful protest and prevented journalists from covering the event, detaining and injuring IMEMC correspondent Ghassan Bannoura in the process. "

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