Wednesday, November 28, 2007

American Arms Are Put to Use to Prop Up Their Stooge: PA security men open fire at W.Bank funeral, wounding one

"A Palestinian was seriously wounded in the West Bank on Wednesday when President Mahmoud Abbas's security forces opened fire at a funeral for a man killed in a protest against Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, medics

Witnesses said that Abbas's forces fired into the air to disperse the crowd of thousands after mourners began throwing stones at the security officers.

Medical workers said the man was shot in the neck and several others were wounded. Dozens were arrested and security officers confiscated the flags of Islamist groups including Hamas, witnesses said.

The crowd gathered for the funeral of a demonstrator killed on Tuesday at a rally held by a small Islamist group against the U.S.-sponsored Annapolis peace conference. Witnesses at Tuesday's rally said the man was shot by security forces but police denied responsibility......."

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