Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Palestinian politicians condemn attacks on journalists

"The Palestinian National Initiative member, Al Mubadar, and the PLO executive committee member, Tayseer Khalid, on Tuesday condemned the actions of the Palestinian Security forces in forciby dispersing a series of anti-Annapolis demonstrations in the West Bank cities of Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem and Nablus.

Both men also criticized the attacks on Palestinian journalists and media crews, including assaults on the director of Watan TV, Mo'amar Orabi, Al Jazeera reporter Wael al-Shoyoky, IMEMC photographer Ghassan Bannoura, and a number of others, and called for an immediate investigation into the violence.

Khalid stated that the Ministry of the Interior should be held directly responsible for the attacks, and called on the body to lift the police ban on demonstrations, a call echoed by the al-Haq organisation."

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