Thursday, November 8, 2007

An E-mail Sent to Riyadh Mansour at the UN

Mr. Riyadh Mansour
Representative of the Palestinian judenrate at the United Nations

You and your bosses in the Green Zone in Ramallah have outdone yourselves this time.

About three months ago, you worked hard with the US and Israeli representatives to block a resolution in the Security Council calling for lifting of the siege on Gaza, imposed by your Zionist masters, to alleviate the suffering of 1.5 million Palestinians. After the storm of protest against such a cowardly, mean and un-Palestinian act, your office tried to backpedal, obfuscate and to confuse what actually took place.

Now, with your role as the second Israeli representative to the UN becoming clear, you secretly drafted a resolution to be submitted to the General Assembly, which in effect equates any Palestinian resistance to the occupation with terrorism. Your clandestine effort went without discussing the draft resolution with any Arab delegates, which is the norm. Even servile regimes such as Egypt and Jordan, which have diplomatic relations with Israel, were shocked by the draft resolution and could not support it. They, and other Arab delegates, made it clear that what you were advocating was the equation of any Palestinian resistance with terrorism and hence describing the Palestinians, whom you presumably represent, as terrorists!

Bravo, Mr. Zionist quisling! I am sure that your coordination with your Israeli masters, which was dictated from Ramallah, will earn you good marks with the occupiers.

That is your business as an individual and every society under occupation throughout history has had its collaborators, quisling and judenrate. However, you have no right to be speaking in the name of the Palestinian people. After your betrayal and treason, your place is not at the UN but instead facing trial in a court in Palestine for treason and gravely endangering the Palestinian national interest.

I for one, as well as millions of other Palestinians, do not accept you to speak in our name and demand your replacement. Short of that, and short of stopping your blatant collaboration with USrael, we will consider your mission as nothing more than an auxiliary arm of the Israeli mission.


Dr. Tony Sayegh

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