Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hamas: Abbas conspiring against the Palestinian people at the UN

"NABLUS, (PIC)-- Hamas strongly denounced Riyad Mansour, the PA representative to the UN, for his persistence in conspiring against the Palestinian people after he prepared a draft resolution calling for condemning Hamas, describing him as a second Israeli delegate to the UN.

Mansour intends to table his reprehensible draft resolution with the UN General Assembly in New York, in order to pass a resolution condemning Hamas and classifying it as an outlaw militia.

Hamas held PA chief Mahmoud Abbas fully responsible for the reckless anti-patriot actions of his delegate to the UN, confirming that Mansour had already aborted a draft resolution tabled by Qatar and Indonesia calling for lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip and alleviating the suffering of Gaza people.

Hamas expressed its appreciation to the delegates of the Arab countries to the UN who rejected Mansour's resolution draft, especially Egypt, Syria, Libya, Sudan, and Yemen for their sincere concern for the unity of Palestinian people.

The draft caused widespread resentment amongst the Arab delegates to the UN because the PA delegate blatantly ignored their refusal of it.

The Arab delegates rejected the draft lest it leads the UN to condemn a resistance movement having majority of PLC seats and classify it as a terrorist organization.

Given the seriousness of this resolution, chief editor of the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper Abdel-Bari Attwan told Al-Jazeera TV channel during an interview that the PA delegation to the UN which tabled this shameful resolution does not represent Palestine and that the head of this delegation does not belong to the Palestinian people.

Such a resolution could have been tabled by the Israeli delegate to the UN, not by the delegate who calls himself a representative of Palestine, Attwan underlined.

Atwan underscored that this draft resolution means that all resistance movements and the Palestinian people are terrorists because they all resist occupation of their country."

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