Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Gaza residents stage demonstration against Annapolis

"Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians on Tuesday took to the streets of Gaza city in protest against the Annapolis peace summit, currently taking place in the United States.

The rally, the largest, since Hamas established power in the region in in June, was called for by the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements.

Protesters chanted slogans against the Washington-sponsored conference, saying, "we wont recognize Israel, we never concede the right of return, we never give up an inch of our lands."

One of the protesters told IMEMC that "we don’t care about our conditions, we need no more alleged peace conferences."

Dr. Ahmad Bahar, speaker of the Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative Council, told the crowds, "today, the Palestinian people tell those meeting in Annapolis that they refuse to concede their inalienable rights."

Bahar also revealed that the PLC had recently passed a new bill prohibiting concession of the Palestinians' right to return to Palestine as well as the right to Jerusalem and resistance, stating that, "This bill is intended to protect Palestinian rights from those who collaborate with the Israeli entity."......"

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