Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Haniyeh: Palestinians will not abide by Annapolis statements

"In a speech delivered Tuesday, Ismail Haniyeh, the deposed Palestinian Prime Minister, indicated that Palestinians would not abide by the outcome of the Annapolis conference, indicating that the summit had no "relevance on the ground."

Haniyeh vowed that his government "would stand firmly against any procedures or policies that work against the weapon of the Palestinian resistance," adding that the conference was designed to "legitimize the Zionist entity" and cover America's failure in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.

Haniyeh also criticized the West Bank-based administration for making decisions without the approval of the majority of Palestinians, both within the occupied territory and abroad.

Turning his attention to those Arab countries attending the summit, Haniyeh argued that they had no mandate to approve Palestinian compromises, adding that his government would reject any such agreements."

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