Sunday, November 25, 2007

Syria announces it will participate in Annapolis talks

No, He is Not Going.....
But He is Sending His Deputy to Annapolis....
This is Called "Syrian Steadfastness"......
Celebrate the Total Arab Surrender, Olmert; it Never Tasted so Sweet!

"......although the Golan was not formally on the agenda, participants could raise "whatever issues they want" in a forum due to discuss "comprehensive peace in the Middle East".

"As a result of the inclusion of this phrase, I believe Syria has decided to attend the conference," Livni said.

Speaking about the importance of wide Arab participation, including Syria and Saudi Arabia, Livni added: "There isn't a single Palestinian who can reach an agreement with Israel without the support of the Arab world. This is one of the lessons we learned seven years ago."

"I think there will be a joint document ... this is the statement that will launch the (peace) process, not solve (the conflict)."......."

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