Sunday, November 25, 2007

Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa: I Am Not a Whore

"......"The Arab League will participate for the first time in a peace conference with an Israeli presence," Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said on his departure Sunday. "We will say that there can be no normalization except in the framework of the Arab peace initiative and in the framework of total peace."
"We will speak with all frankness and we will inform the world everything that happens at the conference," he added......."


This is the same man who about a year ago at another meeting of the League of the Eunuchs said, "The peace process is dead......The US and Israel have fooled us all along." Now, that same dead "peace process" has been resurrected and "this is a historic opportunity."

In Arabic it is said that if you have no shame, do and say what you want. What a whore!

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