Sunday, November 25, 2007

UNRWA commissioner promises to relay Gaza suffering to international forums

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Karen Abu Zayd, the UNRWA commissioner general, has said that she used to be cautious about using terms such as "big disaster" or "tragic situation" to describe the situation in Gaza Strip but not anymore in view of the seriousness of the human conditions in the Strip.

Abu Zayd said, during a meeting with a delegation from the popular anti-sanctions committee headed by MP Jamal Al-Khudari, that she would relay the committee's requests to international platforms.

She also promised to discuss the siege on the Strip at the Belgian parliament and at the Paris conference next December in addition to other foreign institutions.

Khudari had briefed Abu Zayd during the meeting on Saturday on nature of the committee's work, affirming that the committee's prime concern is to lift the siege and to end the suffering of the Gaza inhabitants.

The MP explained in detail the health problems engulfing the Strip as a result of the IOF siege and the death of many patients due to lack of adequate treatment and ban from travel abroad.

He further said that the economic and cultural sectors were collapsing with losses surpassing 100 million dollars. Khudari pointed out that more than 3,500 factories and workshops had closed down and 140,000 workers were out of work."

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