Monday, December 10, 2007

Film review: "Jerusalem ... The east side story"

A scene from Jerusalem ... the east side story.

Sam Bahour, The Electronic Intifada, 10 December 2007

"Was it sheer coincidence, sad irony, or just another day in Palestine under Israeli military occupation? My father and I drove through the last Israeli checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem while heading to the Palestinian National Theatre at the invitation of The Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees to attend the premiere of a new documentary on Jerusalem. The car radio switched from music to a news report -- a Palestinian home in Jerusalem was demolished that morning by Israeli occupation authorities, leaving yet another Palestinian family homeless. We sighed in disgust but did not comment to one another because there was nothing new to say......

Rather than spoil it for the reader, I'll only say that one of most shocking parts of the film relates to the actions of Jewish settlers inside the walled Old City, in collusion with official Israeli authorities. Viewers with a desire for justice will leave the film with their blood boiling, especially when a cartoonish US President George W. Bush is shown speaking -- or rather stuttering -- about Israel's illegal separation barrier and says, "This wall is ... uh ... a problem ..."......"

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