Monday, December 10, 2007

True Aim of Annapolis, and Why It Failed

by Ramzy Baroud

Global Research, December 10, 2007

".......Rather than being a right, or wrong, step toward peace between two conflicting parties, Annapolis has provided a stage for much sweet talk, hyped expectations and soundbytes for leaders with pressing motivations. Reporters may have been told that Annapolis offered “hope...cautious hope, but hope” by Olmert’s spokesperson, but neither hope, nor breaking the seven year of ‘deadlock’ - as prophesized by Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat – are relevant here. The meeting and the year of ‘negotiations’ expected to follow it are part of Israel’s last attempt at ‘preserving’ its Jewish identity, and creating a South Africa-style Palestinian Bantustans. Palestinians will be granted the freedom to call such disconnected islands whatever they wish, and to hoist their flag within the caged entities, if they must, but nothing more......."

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