Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Latest From Dr. Mona El-Farra in Gaza

Great news thanks to my occupier electricity is back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"thanks to the Israeli occupation
now after 36 hours of cut of the electricity in my flat,i will be able
to wash my cloths
to have my shower
to use the electrical elevator
to buy bread
my daughter can do her home work ,
i can watch television and loudly shout :
long live Mr. Bush and israel for this big blessing electricity , in Gaza
and i don't need to worry about 1.5 million population , who live under this cruel siege , where we donot have cement to build our homes or our graves , where my patients die daily due to lack of proper treatment in Gaza and don't have accessibility to further treatment abroad because of borders' closure .
no need to worry about lack of different sorts of medications inside our hospitals
no need to worry about increasing number of children , who suffer of malnutrition
due to lack of proper food , as an outcome of poverty
no need to worry about increasing number of women and children who suffer of postraumatic stress disorders,
no need to feel of insecurity, inside or outside my home , as the isreali raids continue against
no need to worry about my restriction of movement , and inability to travel , even to the west bank (last week one of my fiends in the WB ,passed away , and i could not go to pay my last look and say goodbye )
i am too greedy person and nagging too , i should be happy and content ,in my beatiful big cage , and welcome electricity and be very gratfull to my occupier

with lots of love , from Mona who lives in the 21st century and under occupation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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