Tuesday, January 22, 2008

PCAS launches extensive activities to end Siege

"Popular committee Against Siege (PCAS) launched extensive activities in the last few days. A 2-day of activities was on the ground in Gaza Strip in which tens of thousands of elderly men, women and children took part.

The protests took part mid of Gaza City to protest against the Israeli crime of Gaza Strip. All life aspects were affected in the Gaza Strip as follows:

* Seventy patients died and tens will be doing shortly.
* Waste water flooded wide areas in Gaza City.
* Hospitals stopped operating surgeries except few strongly needed ones.
* Bakeries shut down.
* Freezing foods spoiled due to power cut.
* Humanitarian aids are banned to get into Gaza.
* More than 80% of inhabitants without water supply.
* Educational Intuitions closed.

Chairman of PCAS, Chairman Jamal N. El Khoudary participated with people and expressed his solidarity with smashed civilians. He told media outlets that Israelis are killing Palestinians through collective punishment.

We urge all countries, people, Ngos to intervene to end the crime and to give the population in the Gaza Strip, hope of dignified life like the rest of the people around the world.” MP. El Khoudary added......"

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