Monday, February 11, 2008

Hamas Has to Regain the Initiative

A Comment by Tony Sayegh

The euphoria which followed the smashing of the ghetto wall between Gaza and Egypt has unfortunately faded. The prison gates have been slammed shut by the Pharaoh, while his Foreign Minister has threatened, in an expression borrowed from Yitzhak Rabin, to break the legs of the Palestinians if they dared to escape their slow death on death row of the world's largest prison.

At the same time, the IOF in its typical Nazi-like bellicosity is threatening to murder Palestinian leaders in Gaza, included elected political leaders. How dare these Palestinians survive such a long siege and starvation? The plan was to have them dead by now of "natural causes."

Elliott Abrams promised his Palestinian quislings that Hamas would be toppled by August of last year. He told Abbas and Dahlan to be ready to re-enter Gaza on top of advancing Israeli tanks. It looks like the plan is a bit behind schedule, but now we hear again from the Zio-Fascists that Gaza will be re-occupied and Hamas toppled in a few months.

Hamas needs to regain the initiative and to change the whole dynamic of the situation. Instead of just playing defense and hunkering down (which is militarily advisable), a mass Intifada is needed to break the siege and to keep the border with Egypt open, by force if necessary.

That mass action will refocus Arab and world attention on the terrible plight of 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza and will dramatically illustrate the role of Egypt and other Arab puppet regimes in the starvation and death of the Palestinians.

This Intifada, which has to be kept going (not like the last time) will greatly complicate the Abbas-Olmert plans to invade Gaza, topple Hamas and re-install the stooge Abbas in Gaza.

The time to act is now, because waiting will only help the Pharaoh, the IOF and their Palestinian quisling waiting in the wings. The rug has to be pulled from underneath all of them. The Palestinian people have already set an example of their bravery, cohesion and defiance and I am sure that hundreds of thousands are ready to do it again. As Norman Finkelstein said, "God helps those who are willing to help themselves." Let us face it no one is coming to the aid of the Palestinians in Gaza: not the Arab League, not the UN, not the EU, not the Arab or Muslim "masses" and certainly not the Pharaoh.

Let it be the biggest and most effective Intifada yet! It will start in Gaza, but the West Bank will not be far behind.

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