Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Ramon: We will topple Hamas and bring Gaza back to Abbas

"OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Israeli deputy premier Haim Ramon has unveiled on Monday a military scheme of his occupation government that aims at toppling Hamas Movement in Gaza Strip and bringing the Strip back to the control of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas.

According to Ramon, the Israeli occupation government will work within few months or at a maximum of one year to quash "Hamas's rule" in Gaza, and it will bring back Abbas and his security forces back to rule the Strip.

Defunct PA security apparatuses under Abbas's command in Gaza Strip in addition to the mutiny trend in Fatah faction led by Fatah man Mohammed Dahalan failed last June in toppling Hamas's legitimate authority in the Strip despite the strong military and financial support from Israel and the USA. Hamas won the battle.

During a meeting of the foreign and security committee of the Israeli Knesset (parliament), Ramon asserted that the Israeli occupation army will work on assassinating the most senior leaders of Hamas that, he opined, "will end their rule in Gaza".

Israeli war minister Ehud Barak had also underlined before the same committee that "one of the goals of Israel's operation in Gaza Strip is to bring about the demise of Hamas's rule in the territory".

Military analyst of the Hebrew second channel in the Israeli TV Ronnie Ben Yishai revealed that the Israeli political echelon has finally approved a wide-scale land blitz against the Strip but, he said, the preparations for that offensive weren’t completed yet which "temporarily" suspended the plan.

Moreover, the Israeli analyst pointed out that the refusal of Israeli premier Ehud Olmert and Barak to discuss details of the planned military invasion was a correct decision, opining that giving details on the operation could jeopardize it.

According to Yishai, the most important thing in the operation was to accurately specify its goals, and to collect as much intelligence data on Gaza as possible, and that the Israeli spy agencies should do this as fast as possible.

Yet, he asserted that the main objective of the onslaught was to knock down Hamas Movement in the Strip, and to establish a "stable" Palestinian rule free of weapons and under international supervision that will preserve Israel's right to monitor the Rafah crossing point directly or in coordination with Egypt and the Palestinians.

For its part, Hamas Movement affirmed that it wasn’t frightened by the Israeli threats, vowing to retaliate to any Israeli attempt against its leaders with "unprecedented" response and with all possible means."

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