Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Iraq unrest casus belli for Lebanon war?

"The Israeli media accuses Hezbollah of involvement in fighting with US troops in southern Iraq amid fierce clashes in Basra.

Two Israeli right-wing newspapers reported that Hezbollah fighters joined Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army who are battling 'for control of Basra and its oil resources'.

Heavy fighting broke out between Mahdi Army forces and Iraqi security members in Basra on Tuesday after Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki launched a crackdown on "armed groups" in Iraq.

The report alleged that "the Iraqi [Hezbollah] draws on its Lebanese command for orders, fighters, arms and cash".

The publication of report could be a scenario by the US and Israel to make case for waging another war against Lebanon, an Arab political analyst told Press TV, on condition of anonymity due to sensitivity of the issue.

Since Israel has found Hezbollah a powerful enemy, through making such accusation, Israel could involve the US in a possible attack on Lebanon or pave the way for US military intervention in the country, he added.

The report came after analysts warned that Israel is planning another Lebanon war and the US deployed more warships to the Mediterranean Sea......"

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