Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We Choose How, When, Where to Punish Murderers


Contributed by Uprooted Palestinian

"25/03/2008 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah renewed his pledge to avenge Israel's assassination of Islamic Resistance top commander martyr Imad Moghniyeh (Hajj Radwan) last month in Syria. Sayyed Nasrallah's words came during a commemoration ceremony Monday marking the end of a 40-day mourning period for the martyr.....

Sayyed Nasrallah pledged that Israel is heading towards more defeats. "The Israelis would discover during any confrontation what a stupid act they committed by killing Moghniyeh," he vowed.
His eminence added that a war by Israel would not be a picnic because 85% (according to a poll made recently) of the Lebanese support efforts to topple the Zionist Entity." "I want to remind you that an Israeli war is no longer a picnic. An Israeli war has become very costly because there is in Lebanon the strength, will and education of the resistance as well as the blood of the resistance's martyrs," the Hezbollah chief said.
He added that it is "not a simple option for the United States to attack Iran or for Israel to attack Syria."
"The Israelis don’t learn from their mistakes. Did they draw lessons from the July war when they set goals that can't possibly be fulfilled within days? Did they make use of this lesson in Gaza? They went into the besieged Strip and undertook their operation there. (Israeli Prime Minister Ehud) Olmert set two goals for the Gaza operation: To stop rocket firing at Sderot, Ashkelon and nearby settlements and to topple the Hamas government. The bombing started, massacres were committed, children and women were killed and houses were destroyed; they believed that the people would revolt against the resistance. However none of the goals was fulfilled. The Israelis did not dare to conduct a ground assault in Gaza after the resistance inflicted heavy casualties within army ranks."
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000 and Hezbollah's victory in 2006 mean that a new Israeli war is no longer that simple. He also criticized those who have been projecting Israel as "the regional neighbor" with whom we should show tolerance.
"Some weak-kneed won't admit that they are weak and do not have enough courage to confront and defend our people. Instead they seek to change this concept and distort it by saying that the resistance is an irrational choice. For them, when one man enters the temple with his rod to fight the thieves, it is a culture of death; whereas the culture of life is the culture that transforms the occupier, the killer and the enemy into a regional neighbor to whom we should show tolerance and with whom we should coexist."....."

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