Monday, May 5, 2008

Bush Signs Secret Directive to Target Iran, Hezbollah


"05/05/2008 The Fox News Network quoted U.S. sources as saying that President George W. Bush had signed a secret directive authorizing a covert offensive against Iran that, according to those familiar with its contents, "was unprecedented in its scope," including the assassination of targeted officials on top of which is President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The network added that Bush's secret directive covers actions across a huge geographical area--from Lebanon to Afghanistan--but is also far more sweeping in the type of actions, for example, fully supporting the military arm of the opposition group Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO), despite its enduring position on the State Department's list of terrorist groups.

The secret directive also stresses covert funds can now flow without restriction to "Jundullah," the militant cult in Iranian Sistan-Baluchestan--just across the Afghan border. Other elements that will benefit from US largesse and advice include Iranian Kurdish separatists, as well the Ahvazi Arabs of southwest Iran.

Bush's directive also stipulates stepping up operations against Iran's allies in Lebanon, along with efforts to destabilize the Syrian government.

Fox News added that Democrats and Republicans in Congress have supported an initial outlay of $300 million to finance implementation of the secret directive, apparently regardless of the unpopularity of the current war and the perilous condition of the US economy.

A Marine amphibious force, originally due to leave San Diego for the Persian Gulf in mid June, has had its sailing date abruptly moved up to May 4. According to analyses, the amphibious forces mobilization comes in the framework of implementing Bush's scheme. "

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