Monday, May 5, 2008

'Jumblatt Involved in Israeli Security Op. in Dahiye'


"05/05/2008 The repercussions of the revelation by the Filkka-Israel site of a massive security operation in Beirut's southern suburb have started to surface. According to the Israeli site, the huge security operation was supposed to deal a severe blow to Hezbollah by targeting one of its main cadres in Dahiyeh on April 25, but it was called off at the last minute. The operation was to take place with the coordination of Lebanese sides including MP Walid Jumblatt.

Israeli Internal Security forces stormed into the house and office of Professor Beni Simon, who revealed this critical information. They confiscated documents, his personal computer, CD's and all of his archive which apparently include documented information about the operation and the sides involved in it.

The Shabak gave further credibility to the Israeli professor's revelation and rushed to interrogate Prime Minister Ehud Olmert over how this critical piece of information was leaked from his office.

The Filkka-Israel site said that Jumblatt's story about Hezbollah's surveillance cameras around the international airport, in fact came to cover the Israeli operation.
Israeli expert in Arab affairs, Zvi Yehezkeli described Jumblatt as a "lion" who accuses Hezbollah of being an Iranian entity. "Jumblatt is with us on the course of the confrontation with Hezbollah, especially that he had offered to enter the war against Hezbollah," Yehezkeli said.

Meanwhile, Israeli media outlets circulated information published by Jumblatt and his team about an Islamic Resistance communications network and said that Israel is anticipating how "Saniora's government" is going to deal with this issue.
Some Israeli analysts said that the private installations of "Jihad al-Binaa" around the airport are Hezbollah arms depots, and therefore, they have become on Israel's bank of targets alongside the map of the communications network that Jumblatt's ally Marwan Hmedeh is set to send to the United Nations.

Another Israeli expert in Arab affairs, Oded Granot, said that "Jumblatt who hates Hezbollah has unveiled the story of these containers which contain arms and sabotage materials. What's more dangerous is that Lebanese experts in the ministry of communications have found that Hezbollah had spread a communications network across Lebanon, which enables the party of tapping US and Israeli calls."

In the meantime, Israeli media sources said that the Mossad is helping the head of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea to carry out a plot to assassinate the head of the Free Patriotic Movement MP General Michel Aoun. The sources added that a Mossad agent Pierre Akl, who sought to have close ties with Aoun's friends in France and Australia is providing assistance to Geagea. They also said that the assassination of General Aoun was to be carried out with a very developed camera with a very effective 100g-explosive device that would have targeted Aoun's head; a Lebanese control team would have escorted the 'female' journalist that was supposed to interview Aoun and carry out the assassination without her knowledge, according to Israeli sources. "

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