Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Iranian Threat" on Mullen's Israel Visit Agenda


"26/06/2008 Speculation is growing in Washington that Israel is exerting pressure on the United States to launch a strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. US military chief Admiral Michael Mullen will be arriving for an official visit to Israel in the coming days for discussions on Iran, the US Department of Defense confirmed on Wednesday. Mullen, said the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, left the US on Tuesday "to go overseas to visit counterparts as well as combatant commands, and Israel is not his only stop." .......

The White House rejected reports of Israeli officials pressuring the US to take military action before Bush leaves office. Spokeswoman Dana Perino claimed the United States and its allies, including Israel, wanted a diplomatic solution.

Earlier this week former US Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, said he believes Israel will stage a raid against Iran's nuclear facilities if Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama wins the upcoming US presidential elections. Bolton said Israel would launch an air strike in the interim term between Election Day (November 4th) and the inauguration (January 20th 2009) – while George W. Bush is still in office.

In a related interview with the British 'Daily Telegraph,' [posted here]Bolton said he believed the Arab world would be "pleased" by an Israeli strike. Their reaction, he told the paper "will be positive privately. I think there'll be public denunciations but no action."

At the meantime, Former CIA officer Ray McGovern said Bush and his ally, Israel, will likely attack Iran in 'late summer or early fall'.

McGovern, who served as a Central Intelligence Agency officer under seven US presidents in a period of 27 years, wrote in an editorial [posted here] published by that an agreement had been reached between the US and Israel 'at the highest level', claiming that 'planners, plotters and pilots' have begun work on the details of an aerial military attack against the oil-rich country.

His remarks came shortly after Pentagon officials told The New York Times that Israel had carried out a large-scale military maneuver in early June which appeared to be a rehearsal for 'a potential bombing attack on Iran's nuclear sites'.

On the other side, Israel's national infrastructure minister denounced reports of a possible Israeli military action against Iran. “We're not planning any assault on Iran...But you can be sure if Tehran attempts to attack Israel, Iran will be destroyed,” Benjamin Ben-Eliezer said in an interview with Russia's Kommersant newspaper.

Iran had been defiant, well prepared and dismissed reports of Israeli air strikes as "psychological operations"; but warned of a "limitless response" to any attack. The New York report had inflamed international condemnations and denouncements including from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Mohamed El Baradei who warned that any attack on Iran over its nuclear program would turn the Middle East region into a "fireball.""

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