Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Voices of Evil

By Khalid Amayreh in the West Bank

""Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times “by the sword” to get them to abandon their faith." -- Uri Avnery, Israeli writer and journalist.

Benyamin Netanyahu and Daniel Pipes are two classical examples reflecting the brutal ugliness of Jewish Islamophobia. The former has been moving stridently toward full-fledged Zionist fascism while the latter is unabashedly calling for an all-out crusade by the US and Europe against the Muslim world, of course on Israel’s behalf.......

In fact, if Israel reminds the West of anything, it reminds it of a very ugly and sad chapter in European history, a chapter Europe would never want to see again. I am alluding to Third Reich which destroyed Europe and caused the death of tens of millions of people, all under the rubric of the Master Race.

Just take a fleeting look at the general discourse in Israel today and you will see the striking similarity between the German treatment of European Jewry and Israeli treatment of the helpless Palestinians. Indeed, in the name of “the chosen people” and Jewish nationalism, Israel has brought havoc and turbulence to the peoples of the Middle East......

In 1989, this Netanyahu who is ranting and raving about fictitious threats facing “western civilization” told students at Bar Illan University that “Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China (The Tiananmen Square) where world attention was focused on that country to carry out mass ethnic cleansing of the Arabs of territories.”

A few years ago, the same Netanyahu declared in a speech before the Inter-disciplinary Center in Herzlya, north of Tel Aiv, that Israel would have to watch more closely the birth rate of Israel’s Arab citizens who he said constituted an even greater strategic threat to the Jewish identity of Israel than did the Palestinians of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.......

Now, Daniel Pipes, the Joseph Gooebbels of our time and perpetual inciter against one fourth of humanity. In a recent article titled “the Enemy has a Name,” Pipes urged the US to “vanquish” Islam-ism and prevent Muslim masses from achieving independence, democracy and self-determination. “Vanquish Islamism and help Muslims develop an alternative form of Islam,” he wrote in his screed. You see how this Nazi-minded hoodlum is demanding that Muslims change their own religion so that it would suit his morbid whims.......

What Pipes is saying effectively is that “either Muslims bring themselves to submit to Jewish tyranny and be slaves for the global Jewish- Zionist elites, or they must be annihilated.”......

.....Pipes urges solid western backing and support for agents of western imperialism, presumably people like Fouad Seniora in Lebanon, Hamid Qarazi in Afghanistan, and Mahmoud Abbas in the occupied Palestinian territories, and of course, Riad al Maliki, in Iraq.

Now what is the difference between this hateful and criminal mindset and the Nazi mentality? In fact, it is the same mentality. The Germans did it in the name of the “master race” and Pipes and ilk are trying to do the same thing in the name of the “superiority of the Jewish race.”......."

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