Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A constant Nakba for Palestine's Bedouin (Part 1)

Ida Audeh writing from Beit Iksa, occupied West Bank, Live from Palestine, 7 July 2008

""We [Bedouin] are the [Native Americans] of Palestine," is how 60-year-old Mohammad Ahmad Abu Dahook introduced the author and a colleague to Beit Iksa. Located nine kilometers northwest of Jerusalem, the land of Beit Iksa's 1,600 residents is among that targeted by Israel for the expanding of its illegal Ma'ale Adumim settlement. Abu Dahook is one of the approximately 50,000 Bedouin whose traditions and lifestyle have been nearly destroyed by Israeli colonization. Their communities are still being displaced by Israel's illegal land annexation and the transfer of Israel's civilian population to territory it occupies, in violation of international humanitarian law. Abu Dahook and others like him see no relief in sight as they are constantly dogged by Israeli threats of further displacement and neglect by the Palestinian Authority......."


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