Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A few good men

Ehud, Noam and Elad disprove the myth that Jews who venture into the West Bank are putting their lives in danger

Seth Freedman
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday July 8, 2008

"The bus to the settlement of Kiryat Arba cuts deep inside the West Bank, prompting the operators to take heavy security measures. Thick sheets of bulletproof glass shield the passengers from the perceived threat, but the opaque texture makes it impossible to see more than vague outlines and shapes outside the window.

The effect is to throw up yet one more obstacle in the task of opening the eyes of the Israeli public to the harsh reality of life in the Occupied Territories. Despite the general perception that Israeli Jews are under constant threat of attack when they venture into the Wild West Bank, a group of dedicated volunteers from the Villages Group put paid to that myth on their regular solidarity visits to local Palestinian farmers. "Perhaps we cannot bring about a general peace," reads their website, "but we can perform deeds of peace."

The motto was brought to life on Sunday, which I spent shadowing the volunteers as they did the rounds of embattled Palestinian villagers, performing acts of pastoral care much like a lay rabbi or vicar visiting their flock. The twist here, of course, was that the Villages Group team were all Jewish, and those they visited decidedly not so......."

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