Monday, July 28, 2008

Hamas calls for arresting and prosecuting perpetrators of the Gaza massacre

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement urged the legitimate PA government of Premier Ismael Haneyya "to exert all possible efforts and procedures that would ensure security and maintain law and order in the Gaza Strip, and to pursue and arrest perpetrators of the carnage and to bring to justice".

Hamas had accused leaders of the "treason trend" in Fatah faction of being behind the crime, especially after an offshoot of Fatah faction, the Awda Brigades, took credit for the heinous attack in a statement it had issued.

The PA presidency claimed that the attack was a result of an "internal power struggle" within Hamas, while Nabil Abu Rudaina, the spokesman of the PA presidency, alleged that such incidents would continue if Gaza remained out of the Abba's and Fatah's authority.

Hamas shrugged of Fatah's "lies", and described them as an attempt to conceal Fatah's role in the crime.
In addition, Hamas Movement deplored the "unfair and biased" stand of a number of media outlets that focused on the arrests made by the police in Gaza against number of suspects, which is normal in any other country.

For its part, the PA interior ministry defended the procedures and deemed them necessary to maintain security in the Gaza Strip, underlining that most of those arrested Fatah cadres were released a few hours after their arrest.

According to officials sources in the ministry, large cache of munitions and explosives were seized from a number of institutions affiliated with the Fatah fation.

Meanwhile, there were calls on the ministry from the Palestinian public and families of the victims to arrest and prosecute culprits of the crimes, their financiers and their accomplices.

Furthermore, Hamas, criticized the "passive indifference" of media outlets vis-a-vis the daily arrests and torture of Hamas activists in the West Bank at the hands of Abbas's security agencies in coordination with the Israeli security departments.

Hamas also mourned Shihabuddin Al-Natshe, one of its field commanders in Al-Khalil city, and urged its military wing, the Qassam Brigades, to swiftly retaliate to the crime.

Natshe, 25, was killed after Israeli occupation forces surrounded the house he was in on Sunday, and demolished it on him after he refused to surrender. "

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