Monday, July 28, 2008

Nablus municipality working with one third of its members

"NABLUS, (PIC)-- The Nablus municipal council is working with only one third of its members one year after the Israeli occupation forces detained the city's mayor Adli Ya'ish then his deputy Mahdi Al-Hanbali.

The IOF troops over the past year, after the mayor's detention, rounded up the deputy council chairman along with four others: Abdul Jabbar Dwaikat, Anan Ghazal, Sheikh Husam Al-Katloni and finally Khulud Al-Masri, who was kidnapped from her home a few weeks ago.

The PA security apparatuses last night completed the mission and rounded up four other council members, the remaining Hamas-affiliated members: Dr. Hafez Shahin, Mazen Al-Sharif, Ghassan Al-Jawheri and Sheikh Fayad Al-Aghbar.

The municipal council is now left with five members, including two women, and two of those are Fatah-affiliated.

The PA officials in Ramallah and Fatah leaders used to condemn the IOF arrests in lines of the democratically elected municipal council members but now they are doing the same just for being Hamas affiliated."

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