Monday, July 28, 2008

The Zionists Gave God a Bad Name

By Iqbal Tamimi
Palestine Think Tank

"....They claim that Palestine was given to the Jews 2000 years ago… by God.
They claim God promised that they could have Palestine regardless of where they came from, or whether or not they are practicing Judaism. They just inherit this promise because they are extra special people. Inheritance here has nothing to do with blood relationships, if you are from the Land of Oz and you claim to be a Jew, you have all the right to pack your stuff, including your dentures, and get on the first flight to Palestine, and have a go at any Palestinian you encounter. You can start by massacring the people, and then you can build your own home from their children’s bones.

It seems that when God created mankind he took some of the dough on the side, and added to it a secret special ingredient and gave it a little whisper to make the Jews his own chosen nation. It could have been anything… but God only knows why they make him look like a biased God. A God who created everyone, but enjoys seeing some who are supposed to be his own, chewing the flesh of others who were also created by him, and still gain his blessing.

The Scenario the Zionists created of God has stripped him of any kind of mercy. By the way, God’s chosen people were not supposed to do anything to earn this privilege or honour. They can just say the magic words “I am a Jew”, and then all will be well.

They are even feeling chosen enough to a point they know for sure that they can commit all atrocities against other races, and the Almighty will allow them to do so because they are his chosen spoiled rotten nation....."

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