Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"60 Minutes" serves as Israeli propaganda mouthpiece

Ira Glunts, The Electronic Intifada, 18 August 2008

"As Philip Giraldi points out in his 12 August article "America's Israeli-Occupied Media" published on antiwar.com, the Israeli government is continuing its campaign to get the US military to attack Iran or at least give a "green light" for a massive Israeli bombing strike. In pursuit of this reckless and ill-conceived plan Tel Aviv has a willing co-conspirator in the mainstream American media, who will present the Israeli world-view without criticism or qualification.

CBS recently reaired a 60 Minutes segment entitled "The Israeli Air Force" [1] that provides a rather startling example of how the American news media will permit the Israelis to present their point of view to the exclusion of any competing narrative. The report, presented by correspondent Bob Simon, originally aired on 27 April and was rebroadcast on 10 August.

The message of "The Israeli Air Force" is clearly and succinctly communicated by 60 Minutes as: Iran is a threat to Israel's existence and to the rest of the world; Iran will obtain a nuclear weapon soon; when it does it will use it to destroy Israel. Thus it is apparent that if Iran does not quickly agree with the demands of Western powers to cease its uranium enrichment program, the Israeli Air Force can and will attack and incapacitate the Iranian nuclear facilities......"

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