Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Visit to the Gaza Concentration Camp

By Agustín Velloso – Madrid, Spain
Palestine Chronicle

"When you approach the Erez frontier post to enter Gaza from the north, you notice a concentration camp straightaway even if you may never have seen one like the ones turned into museums or educational centres, or like the ones that appear in documentaries or photographs.

An observation balloon, innocently painted white, rocks gently to and fro in the air over the wall surrounding Gaza. It makes sure no unhappy soul moves beyond arbitrary limits set by the camp guards. The visitor is overwhelmed by the mammoth steel-reinforced wall. This imprisons a million and a half inmates inside an area approximately 38 kilometres long and 12 wide at its widest.......

Conclusion: Gaza is not just a prison and Israel is not its only guard

Listening to John Ging, one determines that the responsibility for the Palestinian humanitarian disaster does not just reside with Israel, but the international community certainly bears much responsibility.

What makes this situation more galling is that the Palestinians had sought to obtain a negotiated solution and democratic elections of its leadership, hoops Israel and the United States demanded that the Palestinians should jump through. The consequence of this unending situation is obviously a growing sense of despair and violence among its victims.

The terrible history of the Nazi concentration camps does not seem to deter Israel in creating a concentration camp of its own in Gaza. Now, with the blessing and the money of the international community, the Erez crossing point has turned into the entrance to a concentration camp right now in the 21st Century. If blame, even if only moral blame, was cast on those who did nothing and looked the other way in times gone by, what judgment do the people deserve now who not only keep quiet about Israel's actions in Gaza, but actually aid and abet them?

It is a disgrace that in Europe and the United States, stalwart defenders of women's rights find space in the most influential newspapers and most watched television programmes to clamour against the use of the veil by Muslim women, but there is no clamour against the Israeli State for denying medical care in the Gaza strip, which means that hundreds of Gazans die due to medical neglect. Some women even have given birth right there in the control post, in the most shameful conditions, because they are not authorized to leave Gaza."

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