Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Change-we-can-believe-in": World Must Press Iran before Israel Strikes


"26/08/2008 U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said on Monday that the world must increase pressure on Iran over its nuclear program before Israel feels it has its "back to the wall."

Speaking at a campaign event in Iowa, Obama said that a nuclear-armed Iran would be a "game-changer for the region."

"My job as president would be to try to make sure that we are tightening the screws diplomatically on Iran, that we've mobilized the world community to go after Iran's program in a serious way, to get sanctions in place so that Iran starts making a difficult calculation," Obama said in response to a voter's question in Iowa. "We've got to do that before Israel feels like its back is to the wall."

Obama was asked whether Israel felt it had a "green light" to take military action against Iran if the United States and its allies did not soon demonstrate progress on containing Tehran's nuclear program......"

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