Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Masri: Rice visit desperate attempt to bring life to a dead "peace process"

"GAZA, (PIC)-- MP Mushir Al-Masri, the secretary of Hamas's parliamentary bloc, has said that American secretary of state Condoleezza Rice's visit to the region bore "bad omens" with only the "Zionist enemy" benefiting from her visits.

Masri told PIC on Tuesday that the visit constituted a "desperate attempt to bring life to the dead "peace process" with the nearing end of tenure of the three weak leaders [PA chief Mahmoud] Abbas, [American president George] Bush and [Israeli premier Ehud] Olmert". He expressed conviction that the visit would not offer anything in the interest of the Palestinian people.

He accused those who rush to meet Rice as the "owners of the failed project that did not succeed in realizing the minimum aspirations of the Palestinian people and is not expected to achieve any progress in face of the Zionist arrogance and the American bias".

Rice met with Israeli officials on Monday along with Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Uraikat. She is scheduled to meet Olmert in occupied Jerusalem on Tuesday before heading to Ramallah to confer with Abbas.

Commenting on news reports of a shelf agreement between Israel and the PA leadership, Masri said that anything signed in this regard would be null and void and would not bind the Palestinian people. Those who sign such agreements would be held responsible for their consequences and would not be able to implement them, the MP underlined.

He said that the presence of an American veto on internal Palestinian dialog was revealed on more than one occasion, calling on Fatah to return to "political rationalism" and to return to the embraces of the people and resistance instead of falling into the embraces of Zionists."

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