Friday, August 1, 2008

Hammas: Arrest of Fatah leaders in Gaza, response to PA political arrests in WB

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas said on Friday that the arrests this morning of a number of Fatah leaders in the Gaza strip is a response to the arrest of a number of Hamas leaders in the West Bank by Abbas's security.

Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman in Gaza, said in a statement that in the face of the escalation of political arrests in the West Bank, in which hundreds of Hamas supporters and a number of top Hamas leaders were arrested, Hamas had no choice but to take this step to stop "this political massacre".

Abu Zuhri denied press reports that Abbas's security has released Hamas leaders in the West Bank in response to orders by Abbas, confirming that none of the arrested Hamas leaders was released.

Amongst those arrested by Abbas's security in the West Bank is Dr. Muhammad Ghazal, a Hamas leader and political bureau member, in addition to a number of intellectuals and social figures.

Abu Zuhri added that Hamas warned against those arrests and that it would respond to those political arrests, but those warnings were not heeded by the Ramallah leadership."

COMMENT: I strongly disagree with Hamas in taking this step. Hamas should not be dragged down to this level of retaliation and counter-retaliation; it cheapens the resistance and puts Hamas on the same, low level, as the Ramallah Junta.

This, yet again, illustrates the central fatal mistake the Palestinians have committed and refuse to correct. Namely, having political parties, elections, and the rest of the trappings of "government" while their land disappears under their feet and living as prisoners on shrinking reservations.

The only solution is to dissolve the PA, restructure the PLO as a true national liberation movement for all Palestinians serious about liberation, regardless of their politics, and get on with a serious liberation strategy.

Enough of this mockery of Fatah versus Hamas, we are already the object of ridicule and contempt by the world.

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