Friday, August 1, 2008

LEBANON: Displaced families struggle on both sides of sectarian divide

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

"TRIPOLI (NORTHERN LEBANON), 31 July 2008 (IRIN) - Hundreds of Shia Allawi families who have fled the upsurge in violence since 25 July between the Jebel Mohsen (mainly Allawi) and Bab al-Tabbaneh (mainly Sunni) neighbourhoods of Tripoli are living without basic necessities and have yet to receive support.

"Nobody is looking after them. There are many children and they lack the basic everyday needs; food, clothing, medicine," said Marwan Husseiki, an officer with the UN's Children's Fund (UNICEF), who made a first visit to four Allawi villages in the impoverished north of Lebanon on 30 July.

"The families were surprised when I arrived," said Husseiki, who visited the villages of Hisa, Masoudieh, Belbily and Konbor, in the northern Akkar District, just a few kilometres from the border with Syria. "They haven't been visited by anyone from the government or any NGO [non-governmental organisation]."......

Officials say up to 6,000 families have been displaced, but as of 30 July only those 700 Sunni families from Bab al-Tabbaneh who have found shelter in schools have been formally registered. These families are receiving food and medical support from the Sunni Future Movement of parliamentary majority leader Saad Hariri........"

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