Friday, August 1, 2008

Israeli forces mortally wound Nilin teenager after funeral

Yousef Amira (bottom right) at the funeral of 10-year-old Ahmed Mousa who was shot in the head and killed by an Israeli soldier on Tuesday. After the funeral, Israeli soldiers fired at a group of young men hitting Amira twice in the head. The 18-year-old immediately fell into a coma and died hours later, 30 July. (Oren Ziv/ActiveStills)

Transcript, Flashpoints, 1 August 2008

"The following is a transcript of Flashpoints, hosted by Nora Barrows-Friedman, broadcast on 30 July 2008:

We continue our drumbeat coverage of the ongoing ethnic cleansing by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank, specifically in the village of Nilin. As we reported yesterday, Israeli forces shot and killed a ten-year-old boy, Ahmed Mousa, in the head with live ammunition fired from an M16, on Tuesday evening. Around the time of the funeral procession for Ahmed Mousa last night, Israeli occupation forces returned to the village and opened fire on villagers, shooting another young Palestinian teenager in the head. Eighteen-year-old Yousef Ahmad Amira went into a coma after he was shot twice in the head, according to Palestinian news agencies and eyewitnesses. The Mayor of Nilin village said that six other young men were also shot and injured by rubber-coated steel bullets after clashes broke out between Israeli occupation soldiers and villagers defending their land. US-made Israeli bulldozers reportedly destroyed barricades built by villagers at the entrance to Nilin, as Israeli forces began firing tear gas and sound grenades, followed by indiscriminately opening fire.

Flashpoints spoke with Hindi Mesleh, a community organizer from Nilin. Mesleh just returned from the local hospital where 18-year-old Yousef Ahmad Amira went into a coma and died just hours ago......."

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