Friday, October 17, 2008

Iran slams assault on Iraqi Christians

Press TV

COMMENT: Iranian statements, choice of words and the spin put on the news are becoming closer and closer to the US line. Read this story carefully and notice the choice of words by the Iranian embassy in Baghdad. The US couldn't be any happier, with such descriptions!

Furthermore, the Iranian embassy completely ignores the fact that most of the killing of Christians in Mosul has been at the hands of the Kurdish Peshmerga, and certainly not by the "insurgents!" But Iran, apparently, wants to keep good relations with the Kurds, so it distorts the facts!

"The Iranian embassy in Baghdad has condemned the recent aggressions against the Christian civilians in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

The recent violence in the city of Mosul which resulted in deaths, injuries and displacement of a large number of Christians, is an inhumane act being carried out in line with the insurgents movements to destabilize the security, create unrest and derail the political trend of the country, the embassy said in a statement.

More than 8,300 Christians have left their homes in Mosul to escape the recent violence directed at them, seeking refuge in the Christian-dominated towns and villages of the area.

Enemies of democracy would never manage to shatter the national unity and solidarity of Iraqi minorities with other tribes or clans, the statement read.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki's government dispatched a ministerial delegation to Mosul to address the needs and problems of the homeless Christians and restore security to the destabilized region.

A series of attacks targeted the Christian minority in Mosul since September 28, killing at least 12 members of the community. "

Here is what the Assyrian (Christian) International News Agency Reported:

Kurdish suspects arrested for attacks on Assyrians in Mosul

Six Arrested for Attacks on Assyrian in Mosul

"Mosul (AINA) -- A spokesman for Iraq's defense ministry confirmed on Friday the capture of six men suspected of perpetrating attacks on the Assyrians in Mosul. Sources have told AINA that four suspects are residents of the Kurdish region and are affiliated with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (headed by Massoud Barazani) in northern Iraq, as shown by their ID cards. The affiliations of the two other suspected is not yet known. American forces in Mosul declined to comment on the arrests......"

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