Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dutch authorities let Israel get away with torture

Ami Ayalon

Arjan El Fassed, The Electronic Intifada, 17 October 2008

"Last May, although he was visiting the Netherlands, Dutch police failed to arrest Ami Ayalon, an Israeli government minister. An application for Ayalon's arrest had been submitted to Dutch authorities by Khalid al-Shami, a Palestinian man who alleged he was tortured by Israel's Shin Bet secret service when Ayalon ran it. It was a narrow escape; but credible reports indicate that Dutch authorities actively colluded with Israel to frustrate the course of justice......

The Dutch daily De Volkskrant cited an Israeli government official confirming the contacts between the Israeli and Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Justice. Not only did the Dutch foreign minister publicly associate himself with Ayalon while the latter was been accused of torture, but, it would appear, his department helped the accused get away.

This is not only a violation of al-Shami's rights and a further slap in the face of Palestinian torture victims, it is a grave violation of the Netherlands' commitments under international law and further exposes Europe's shameless collusion with Israel's mounting human rights crimes."

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