Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hamas Considers The Pharaoh and His Policies as "Positive!"

Hamas stresses positive, stable rapport with Egypt

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement has stressed Saturday that its rapport with Egypt was positive and stable, adding that certain media outlets quoted statements of Hamas spokesman in central Gaza Strip Yousef Farahat out of context and on selective basis.

In a written press statement he issued and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, the spokesman of Hamas Movement in Gaza Strip, underlined the good relationship between Hamas and Egypt, saying that statements of Farahat expressed the dissatisfaction of Hamas's cadres of the continued detention of Hamas's military leader Ayman Nofal in Egyptian jails.

"Hamas treats all concerned issues with the Egyptian officials through direct contacts, and in away that preserves the good relationship between the two parties although we stress the need to immediately and swiftly release Nofal....."

COMMENT: Who is Hamas kidding, besides itself? Enough with this political prostitution! Why not call things by their real name?

Why not have the courage to acknowledge that the Pharaoh has been an active Zionist in the siege and starvation of 1.5 million Palestinians? Why not state the fact that the Pharaoh's troops have been working directly with the US army to locate and blow up or fill with poison gas (while Palestinians are still in the tunnels) the tunnels in Rafah that are the only remaining link to bring in desperately needed food and medicine? Why is Hamas not mentioning that more than 50 Palestinians have been killed by the Pharaoh's army since the beginning of this year?

In short why is Hamas whitewashing the Pharaoh? This does not help Hamas, to the contrary it destroys its credibility and makes the Pharaoh look better than the USraeli tool that he is.

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