Sunday, October 19, 2008

Iran Warns West against Talks with Taliban


"19/10/2008 Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki warned the West on Sunday not to push for talks with the Taliban group which had stormy relations with Tehran when it ruled Afghanistan up to 2001.

"Today, the whole world knows about the strategic failure of foreign forces in Afghanistan and we advise them not to try a new failure," Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told a news conference.

"We advise them to think about the consequences of the talks (with the Taliban) which are taking place in the region and in Europe and avoid being bitten in the same spot twice," Mottaki said, citing a Persian proverb.

Last month, Afghan government representatives met Taliban leaders in the Saudi holy city of Mecca for talks on ending the insurgency that has plagued Afghanistan ever since the militia was ousted from power in a US-led invasion seven years ago, the Saudi-owned daily Asharq Al-Awsat reported.

The Afghan government denied the report but President Hamid Karzai has long called for talks with the Taliban on condition that they accept his government's constitution and are not involved with Al-Qaeda.

"The West should not think that they can confine extremism to Afghanistan, Pakistan and central Asia," Mottaki said, warning that extremism would one day also reach Europe and the West."

COMMENT: "The West should not think that they can confine extremism to Afghanistan, Pakistan and central Asia,"-- Mottaki.

Iran prefers extremism, the Iraqi variety, as illustrated by its Shiite death squads of the Badr and Mahdi kind and their successful ethnic cleansing of Baghdad.

How arrogant of Iran to be dictating to the occupiers who they should be talking to in Afghanistan. It is up to the Afghans, and not Iran, to decide who speaks for them.

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